Props That Capture Your Love Best in a Pre-Wedding Photo Shoot

Pre-wedding photoshoot ideas trend has been surmounting great impetus these days. And as promised in the previous article I today bring to you a list of easily available and economical props which when added to your pre-wedding shoots, would add a dreamy influence to them, besides breaking the ice of being so close and intimate with your significant half before someone else. Plus you get endearing memoirs for all the rolling years of togetherness.So here I enlist some props that capture your love and would land you with snaps to entangle your hearts tighter:
1) Props that capture your love Wedding Ring:
Those interchanged rings first marked the union of your souls, so long only entangled in the strings of affection. So here’s time to let your memoirs speak of your unspoken love and serve as a reminder of your commitment to one another.
A ring shot in the album of your love is preconditioned and there are infinite possibilities of entrancing poses. Here’s another favorite of mine:
2) A blanket:
Though not very popular in the Indian Vogue. But ‘a blanket’ is my personal favorite because of the warmth it springs. No matter how your hair is, or what your clothes are, it immediately shifts focus to the love oozing out of your eyes. No fancy posting! Just feel the heat of the moment. Enough said!
3) Bubbles and glitters:
Simple.Sober.Subtle. They transport you to the realm of childhood surrealism. Bringing out the playful carefree you, it can give you the best of shots by freezing your innocence and the best of it—it will be you two together and only you too.Check this one out:
The advantage of using bubbles is that it can blend with any background and never fail to create the magic!
also check this Studio Vision- By Vissionary Motion Pictures
Recommended Read: Pre-wedding Photoshoot: Tips For Getting The Right Pre-wedding Photography
4) Scrabbles, captions, and boards:
Though your eyes, your smiles and your love speak a million language, even then a small, short, crisp message on the blackboard, or on a piece of card or with the pieces of scrabble, can add some drama and quirk to your pre-wedding shoots. Also, they can be used to preserve some special one-liners exclusive to your eye-candy. Maybe one of those courtship promises.
Pictures like these can be sent as an e-copy reminder of your wedding invitation. Likewise made viral on social media. And of course, be featured on the wedding cards! A unique idea from team Wed Amor to suggest props that capture your love and give you a great and would give you an amazing pre-wedding photoshoot.
Recommended Read: 50 Sweet Prop’s For Wedding
5) Reflection:
Just to reflect your unconditioned love for one another on aviators, or on a glass, or upon water! Your blossoming love can be impeccably captured through reflections. Just trust your photographer.
This one my absolute favourite!! Oh! Soooooooo!! romanticcccc!
6) Dupatta
Those flowing dupattas in the bewildering wind and you and him entwined in a long bright colorful piece. How romantic! Colorful! Splendid and Indian!
Scintillating, dazzling and brilliant!
So go happy clicking guys with these easy, classy, and enchanting props that capture your love and would entice you to your own sphere of love, enchant and fondness! Love more mates!
Friends , love and marriage are the beautiful things in someone’s life. So pre wedding photo shoot it’s trending now a days . all the above said things may it be duppatta or bubbles they are the best fitted in the photo shoot . the thought of writing this was good but according to me a thing was misng and that is the titanic pose . but overall its adorable and great to be experienced