Adorable DIY projects you can make easily for your other half – Wedamor

You can stop fretting about what gift you’re going to have to give to your soul mate for the upcoming anniversary, birthday or any other occasion. Be it a week anniversary or a 5 year anniversary, nothing speaks ‘I love you’ more than some real efforts which are made. Sure, the stuff to be bought like clothes, watch, etc make for a wonderful present but digging in and spending hours making a gift on your own for your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband is something amazingly special. It makes the person on the receiving end feel super loved and pampered, isn’t that right? There are loads and loads of DIY projects out there on the internet and so we’ll help you in narrowing down the most lovely and adorable DIY projects out there that are easy and fun to make. 


1) Open when letters

This one makes for an amazing gift if you’re in a long-distance relationship, but otherwise too it is just as awesome. It basically involves writing letters for your bae for them to read in different situations. For example: ‘Open when you miss me’, ‘Open when you need some motivation’ and stuff like this.  You can make however many that you like. If you want to take things to the next level with this idea, you can add a few things to the letter in regard to a particular situation. For example:  In the ‘Open when you miss me’ one, you can add a few of your favourite snapshots with them and some candies too. You can be as creative as you’d like with them.

Adorable DIY projects

Source: pinterest

2) A song lyric photo frame

A photo frame of your favourite picture with bae surrounded with the lyrics to that one song that you both love, makes for a wonderful and easy DIY.

What you need:

1) A frame

2) 2 sheets of matt cardstock

3) Scissors/cutter

4) Glue

5) Tea bags (optional)


1) With the help of Microsoft Word, print out a sheet with the lyrics surrounding an empty square. Note that the lyrics should be continued in a single flow. Adjust the size and font according to what suits you best.

2) You can dip some tea bags in hot water for a while and stain the paper softly with them to create a very vintage look. Let it get completely dry overnight.

3) Now cut the printed sheet in the size of the photo frame.

4) Next, cut out the empty square you left on the printed sheet and take another cardstock (same size as the printed one) and while putting it behind the printed cardstock, adjust the picture there and glue it all up.

5) Now all there’s left is to put the entire thing together in the frame and there you go!

Adorable DIY projects

Source: Betty to my boo youtube

3) A mixed tape/CD

Call me old fashioned, but a mix tape/CD is just as romantic for me today as it was in the 90s. You can easily put together different songs that you both love, even the songs that they love, and gift wrap the thing in a very cute way and they’re sure to love it. It’ll be so romantic on cosy date nights and they can even put the tape in while driving.

Adorable DIY projects

Source: pinterest

4) The jar

Put together an old glass jar, some glitter, glue and ribbons and you’ve got yourself ’50 reasons I love you’. Just put different coloured chits in it telling them different reasons why you love them and voila! This is one of the easiest DIY projects out there as you can literally just make this by using the stuff that is there already in your house.

Adorable DIY projects

Source: youtube

5) The date night jar

If you and boo have trouble coming to mutual decisions on what to do for your date night, then this Date Night jar is an amazing and adorable solution. You can put anything from ‘Watch movies and cuddle’ to ‘Let’s go scuba diving’, it could be literally anything. For better effects and for you guys to actually follow this, you can colour code the chits according to your budget situation. Cute, right?

Adorable DIY projects


6) A goodie box

Another one of the easy and adorable DIY projects out there is called a goodie box! Go ahead and box up a variety of random things that you know your boyfriend/girlfriend loves (their favourite beer, favourite snacks, etc) and wrap it all up to gift them your very own personalized goodie box. They’ll be sure to love it because it is 10/10 on effort and 10/10 on their favourite stuff.

Adorable DIY projects

Source: youtube

So there were 6 adorable DIY projects that we personally loved and we hope you did too! 



About the Author:

An Avid reader | overeater | A philosophy student from Delhi University, who loves the hills and all things green. Loves sketching when stressed | A little awkward at small talks but always up for rambling conversations.