5 Ways To Make Your Quarantine Productive – Wedamor

A lot of countries are in lockdown due to the Coronavirus outbreak. As we have been made aware that staying in and practicing social distancing is the only way to fight this virus so far. Therefore we all must follow the lockdown with unanimity because safety is better than cure.

Staying home for more than weeks at the stretch is definitely uninteresting and lifeless. And getting to know the increasing number of coronavirus positive makes people anxious and stressed. We really need to divert our minds to some useful and better things.

Are you wondering what’s there to do while you are stuck at home?

There can be the never-ending list for that. I’ll mention a few of them.

So are you guys ready to know few things to make this timeless boring and more productive?

Learn a new skill

Everyone has something in their mind that they always thought of to learn but they couldn’t. There must be something that suddenly popped up in your mind while reading this, and yes it’s the time to learn that thing. It can be coding, sketching, singing, learning a new language, learning to play musical instrument etc.

Start learning from online platforms. There are plenty of them like YouTube, Udemy, Skillshare, Alison and many more.

After all of this get over, you’ll surely see yourself as a better and more skillful person. Explore, learn and grow.


Treat yourself to a skin and hair care routine 

We always think of taking care of our skin and hair in our daily routine we are not able to find out time for that or we can say that we never keep the skin and hair care at our priority. During this period, we can use different home remedies to treat our skin and hair, just google out some DIYs and start the self-care routine today. Self-care makes you feel more confident and it improves you as a person.

Also in addition with these, an improved sleep cycle and proper hydration will do the wonders for you.


Start cooking

Lockdown and self-isolation has made it really difficult for us to eat out or order food online, but we are free enough to make some interesting and mouthwatering meals for us on our own, so guys stop eating that boring food just start cooking by trying some easy and quick recipes. You never know, you may find your new go-to dish. You can also try cuisines of different states as we have thousands of variety in our food. For finding some recipe ideas you can watch some TV channels, there are plenty of them like ”FOOD FOOD” or you can also find great recipes on YouTube channels.


Help in cleaning and organizing your house

It’s time to help our mothers in the household work like dusting, sweeping, filling the water bottles, doing the dishes. Do some spring cleaning! Organizing the clutter can make your home a more positive space.  Also helping in household activities will make you more active and it will also make your mom less worried about house management.


Workout at home


Hopefully this list helps you find out ways to be productive at home. We are all having a tough time, make it less tough for yourself by keeping yourself indulged in useful things.

Stay home, Stay safe. Make it less difficult for our doctors, police and everyone who is working out there to keep us safe. Help others as much as you can. Do not waste food and water.


