Bridal Diet Plan for Weight Loss Without Losing your Glow – Wedamor

With the big day approaching, every bride would want to look her very best. Endless shopping and arrangements for the wedding are accompanied by the blessings and visits by relatives. And glancing at the mirror makes you think that you’ve probably gained a little extra which you need to shed. Hectic preparations may not give you enough time for vigorous exercises to reduce the fat that makes you look a little bloated. But you also don’t want to get that beautiful glow on your face to go away. What to do? The simplest and the most effective method to get a lean body and glowing skin is diet control. But how are you supposed to do that? Here is an effective bridal diet plan for weight loss without losing your glow for the most important day of your life.

Bridal Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Consume Nuts

Nuts provide with a large amount of required nutrients. These include fibre, antioxidants, healthy fat, calcium and vitamins like A, C, E, zinc and copper, minerals among others. Consuming a handful of nuts like almonds, pistachio, seeds, kernels, dates etc. will give your face the ultimate glow and is an essential part of the bridal diet plan for weight loss.

bridal diet plan for weight loss

Liquids are Essential

Drinking a lot of water and fluids is the basic requirement for a glowing skin. Water keeps you hydrated without any extra calories, so have at least 1 ½ litres or more every day. Lukewarm water with lemon juice to start the day with or green tea is important for weight loss and a good skin.

Cut Down on Sugar

Most of the people today consume a large amount of sugar. Sugar is known to lead to diseases such as Type- 2 Diabetes, Obesity, liver problems, cancer and increased risk of heart attack and more. Leaving added sugar behind is your key for a leaner body structure before the big day.

bridal diet plan for weight loss

Make Salad Your Buddy

Your ultimate friend during the bridal diet plan for weight loss should be salads. Consumption of as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible will keep your body happy and help you shed the flabs. You can also go for fresh juices and milkshakes free from added sugar and preservatives


*Yawn* Catch Your Sleep

Relieve yourself from stress and anxiety by sleeping at the right time for 8 hours. The more you rest, you’ll feel fresh and your skin will glow.

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Small Meals is the Way

Consume small and filling portions of food if not for the 3 meals a day rule. This provides with a variety of food and nutrients in your diet. Often, craving allows us to have extra food that we later regret, which you can avoid in this method.

Breakfast for the #Queen

The most essential meal of the day is breakfast. Having a breakfast enriched with nutrients and protein will help you start the day properly and keep you energized.

bridal diet plan for weight loss

Never Skip Meals

It is a misinformation that skipping meals will help you lose weight. In fact, it may lead to gaining weight since your metabolism will slow down. It’ll also leave you in monstrous craving, leading you to eat anything that is within your reach. Plan your healthy meals to shed the extra fat.

