Changes in Wedding Catering – Wedamor

Food is an essential element for our survival. It helps us to sustain but for a few people, it is their way to happiness. Some people are big-time foodies, they love to eat and taste different types of food. It brings them joy and satisfaction. For such people, food is not only a way to survive but it is to help them with their mood swings and handle regular problems of life. They not only eat food but they relish each bite. For such people, good food is essential in all functions and events. Here comes the biggest celebration of every family, a wedding.

When it comes to a wedding, food arrangements hold an important place. For all the meals till the relatives stay, then provision of food and drinks for all the events, it is a time taking process. There is a lot of money and time invested to get these items, perfect in taste and quantity.

Most people judge a wedding by the kind and variety of food offered there. So these days catering holds an important place in wedding planning.

Wedding catering

Many things need to take care of while we book a caterer.


  • It is important to book in advance. Few venues provide their catering and for others, you need to book the caterers separately. So it is important to make these things clear in advance and avoid the last-minute rush.
  • If the caterer is new, checking the market price along with a sample of a few dishes is important. Once the booking is done, most caterers don’t cancel it with a refund. Also, if the food is checked in advance, you can recommend a few changes according to what you need.
  • Few caterers provide their plates and other utensils and few don’t. All this needs to be checked. The same is the case with raw materials like vegetables and spices.
  • A person needs to take charge to monitor the working of caterers at the wedding and other functions. Even if the function is at a hotel with their catering, keeping a check is important. Nobody can afford to have a lack of food or any item in such an event. Every guest needs to leave the functions happily and satisfied.

Changes in Catering

Nowadays with every element of weddings, transforming, caterings have changed too. There is a change of process, requirements of people, service provided by caterers and an increase in the competition in the business. More and more people have stepped their foot in this business. This is a result of increased demand and changes in the needs of people.


  • These days most people do not prefer the boring and monotonous food menu. They need guests to remember the dishes even after the wedding. People want unique, delicious and out of the box menu, ready to experiment with the old traditional menu.
  • Presentation is yet another very important aspect. Chefs these days put a lot of effort into making their food look great. People also want to have a world-class presentation, exclusive and memorable.
  • It is also important to experiment in a balanced manner. Going purely out of the traditional and regional league can lead to wastage of food.
  • Most people these days are conscious of their food habits. It is important to have a few dishes that fit the health criteria.
  • It is not only about the food but a lot of importance is given to beverages these days. Most weddings and wedding events have separate counters. People wish to have a long list of customized mocktails and cocktails to suit every guest.
  • These days the most common element is variety. There are several food items on the menu. With a long list of starters to main course dishes and then the huge dessert counter. People want every guest to enjoy as per their food choices. It certainly leads to a lot of wastage of food and money.

So, with the continuous changes in the catering business, weddings are becoming larger than life. Now people not only remember the wedding by the name of the bride and groom but also the food that was served. It certainly has held an important place in the wedding process and will continue to become better.

