Checklist For Wedding Vanity-Last Minute Checklist – Wedamor

Approaching wedding and the flurry within to make it a fairy tale! We know it all! And just so, that you are not disappointed with yourself on your D-Day with your makeup and does. Today we enlist for you, the last minute checklist for wedding vanity.
For a Gripping Face:
A Primer: It is a must have because your skin has to look fresh healthy and radiant all day long. Make sure you supplement your kit with a primer rich in Vitamins so that even after wearing layers of make-up coats all day long, your skin doesn’t lose its rejuvenation.
A Foundation: This one is really important to me, mentioned in the list because you cannot borrow someone else’s foundation. To use a foundation that matches your skin tone is the basic of a beautiful make-up.
Concealer: Though after putting foundation, chances of putting a concealer to use becomes obsolete; but you are ‘the Bride’ and you cannot afford any risks and hence concealer also needs to appear in your checklist for wedding vanity.
Face Powder / Talc: To make you feel fresh in the mandap fumes and to sail you through itching lehengas!
Blush: They subtly define your cheekbones. Choose one with a matte finish-pink or peach to go with your skin tone.
For Riveting Look of the Eye:
Kajal Pencil: Well that is what Indian beauty is all about. The quintessential makeup magic!
Eye Shadow: To sparkle up the entire look, this is a must in the checklist of the wedding vanity.
Recommended Read: Perfect Makeup For Your Wedding Day
For Appealing Lips:
Lipstick: Have them in abundance in your kit- cheery red, blood red, magenta, and coral, neutral! Prepare and choose well in advance, what shade you are going to use with which attire, to save yourself from last minute haphazard.
Lip Balm: To keep them from chapping.
For Lustrous Hair:
Perfect hair is every girl’s dream and so on your D-Day make no mistakes. Place all the enlisted ones religiously in your checklist for wedding vanity.
Shampoo: No trying new ones! Put into your kit the same, which suits your hair.
Conditioner: Only if you use them. As I said, no experimentation on your D-day!
Hairspray: To keep your hair-dos right in place.
Hair Dryer: A must in the kit! Since you never know, what things might turn into!
Rubber Bands, Clutches: To get back into your usual way after the day’s ceremonies cease.
Recommended Read: 5 Ways to Look Best On Your Wedding Day
Apart from the ones above, there are a few more elements extremely vital to find their way in your checklist for wedding vanity. Find them below
Moisturizer: To keep your skin hydrated.
Sunscreen: Just in case, you need to go out. Well, it won’t go wasted. You can well use it when out during your honeymoon!
Safety Pins: Only if you don’t want your “maasis” and “fufis” to go around and asking every second lady if they have a few spare pin! And from the first-hand experience, have them in bulk. I mean it very literally. An endless number of them goes away in putting “pallus” and lehengas in place to achieve the perfect finish.
Bobby Pins: Same as above, exactly.
Recommended Read: The Indian Bride’s Ultimate Checklist
A phyle of “Bindi”: To compensate for a bindi gone missing.
Makeup Remover: A quintessential, to let your skin aerate naturally after a long tiresome day with heavy makeup.
Cotton Balls: They serve a dual purpose. They help you even out extra make-up and they also help you re-apply makeup in missed parts.
Deodorants and Perfumes: It is as important to feel fresh as to look fresh. Go with a mild one, which doesn’t stain your dress, doesn’t cause itching and isn’t too strong for the nose.
Hand Sanitizer and Tissue Wipes: Self-explanatory.
Sanitary Napkins: No debate on this absolutely, whether your chum has just gotten over, or you have time in hand. You never know, when periods play wicked on you, especially with so much to stress about during the wedding hustle bustle.
Band-Aid: Chances are you have kept your wedding shoes new to be worn on the day itself. Please abstain from doing so! But in case, you get shoe bites, band-aids are the only aid.
Boroline: For everything from cracks to cuts to chaps to aid while wearing nose pins or earring.
ENO: For immediate relief from gastric problems.
Glue or Fevicol: To repair any last minute accessory failure.
Spare Contact Lens or Spectacle: To avoid panicking during a glass breakdown.
Scissors, Thread and a Few Extra Buttons: To escape any malfunction.
Camera: To get you clicked a few random candid shots as you dress up and get ready for the big day.
Small Looking Glass: For last-minute touch-ups.
Straws: To save your lip makeup from smudging.
With all the above checked on your list, we assure you a hassle free experience. If there’s anything you did want us to add to our last minute checklist for wedding vanity or forget to add a key point, do drop a line in the comment section.