How to Be Skin-Ready For Your D-Day!

Skin-Ready For Your D-Day

The wedding day is one of the most important days for the ladies! It’s a day on which everything needs to be beyond perfect. From wedding attire to the wedding arrangements, everything must be prioritized. For the bride, skin is the top priority! To get a picture-perfect face for the endless wedding pictures, your skin would need some prepping. But how to get your skin-ready for your D-Day?

How to get rid of acne? How to get that bridal glow? Wondering what to do to get that flawless skin. Don’t worry till we are here. We’ll have sorted out things for you. Keep reading to find out!


Skin-Ready For Your D-Day

How to Be Skin-Ready for Your D-Day

With numerous makeup products flooding the market, the need to maintain a clear skin has been obviated. But your skin isn’t really ready for the big day without some prior preparation. Remember, makeup can only substitute flawless skin to a certain extent! So, to make your skin truly ready for your wedding day, follow these simple but effective tips –

1.     Sleep, sleep, and sleep!

 Skin-Ready For Your D-Day


Sleep is everything when you want to have a glowing skin! Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for a healthy-looking skin. Around 8 hours of sleep is a must! It is also the base for any other beauty treatments because none of them will be effective if you are sleep deprived.

2.     Make water an addiction!

 Skin-Ready For Your D-Day


Drinking water should be your mantra. Water hydrates your skin and keeps your skin clear for your big day. A minimum of 2 liters of water is a must if you want a naturally glowing skin. If drinking water gets boring, you can add some citrus fruits to your water to give it some flavor. Coconut water and fresh home-made fruit juices are some good substitutes.

3.     Say no!

 Skin-Ready For Your D-Day

Skin-Ready For Your D-Day


If you wish to have a clear and glowing skin, the first step is to say no to packed foods, oily foods, dairy products, and alcohol. Foods which are fattening and full of bad ingredients make your skin release more oils and hence makes your skin greasy. This prevents your skin from being clear and breakout-free. Also, dairy products such as cheese and butter are a big no during the period preceding your wedding day.

Alcohol is yet another thing you must stay away from! Alcohol not only dehydrates your skin but also provokes you to eat heavy food. If your wedding is soon approaching, saying no to these is essential.

4.     Eat healthy

Skin-Ready For Your D-Day

Once you have learned to avoid harmful foods, the next step is to start eating healthy. What you eat affects your skin without you even realizing it. It’s time to include some new elements to your regular diet. Broccoli, walnuts, avocados, soy, are the power food for a glowing, radiant skin. Also, if you are a dark chocolate lover, then you can eat something you love and at the same time, maintain a healthy skin.

5.     Exfoliate and Moisturize

Skin-Ready For Your D-Day

Exfoliating your skin is necessary to get rid of any dead skin and to get an even texture. Any home-made scrubs such as sugar with honey can also be used for exfoliating, apart from the regular face scrub products. Once your skin is exfoliated, it’s important to moisturize it. Applying a good moisturizer twice a day is a must to make your skin-ready for your D-Day!


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6.     Sweat it out for your skin!

Skin-Ready For Your D-Day


Did you know that exercising not only helps your body but also your skin? Incorporating a 15-minute workout in your daily routine before your wedding will contribute tremendously to a healthy skin. Your blood circulation improves when you are sweating, resulting in a glowing skin. The best part is, your body will benefit from it too!  

7.     Home-made remedies

Skin-Ready For Your D-Day


Apart from getting a professional facial or a spa treatment, home-made face packs made of turmeric, sandalwood, rosewater, or clay packs are an easy and cost-free way to getting a radiant skin.


Getting skin-ready for your D-Day just got easier with these 7 golden rules. Now you can click as many wedding pictures as you want without worrying about your skin looking dull and unhealthy!

