Various Beauty Appointments before Wedding Day – Wedamor

Planning a wedding is not an easy task. Someway or the other, we all know how much effort and work goes into it. One must make quick decisions on various stuff like the venue, locations, decor, dresses, and more! All of this is extremely stressful enough and time-consuming. Amidst this, the bride often forgets to take care of herself. To avoid this, here is a list of beauty appointments to make! You can make these a week before so that all the appointments are planned systematically.  

Obviously, it is not an easy task! There are a few certain steps that you might need to take for this but it will all surely be worth it. Your skin, nails, body, all of it needs to be well looked after and taken care of. All this can be done by making timely beauty appointments that will help you look and feel incredible on your wedding day. 

Hairstylist & Hair Spa

Frankly speaking, for most women, their hair decides their day. “Once your hair is setting, you’re halfway there, and you can relax,” says Paves. Adds Cranford. Therefore, if you plan to color it or switch it up or even give it a spa, you need to plan it out a week before. Your hairstylist should be informed of your needs. Moreover, if you’re highlighting or coloring your hair before your wedding, it’s important to start early.

Putting on hair masks, going for hair spas, and more would always be beneficial and help your day. Furthermore, trying out new hairstyles with your stylist and carrying a few accessories is always a good idea! You may also try out new styles to see which one suits the best for you.


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No matter what your skin issues might be, visiting your dermatologist will help ensure your skin’s on track before your wedding. Moreover, even if you don’t face any issues, it is always a good idea to have your skin checked so you are well taken care of. This would also take care of the pimples, zits, and blemishes that being stressful might cause. 

An appointment and consultation at least a week before the wedding day would be beneficial. This will give enough room and give you enough understanding of the effect of the doctor’s suggestion for your skin. Moreover, you can realize what suits you best and what doesn’t. 

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This is not exactly one of the most essential beauty appointments you need to make as it can easily be done at home. But, it is highly recommended to help your face have a natural glow. There is quite a large range of products you can use and the treatments you can get. For instance, face masks or aroma oils or even something harsh like microdermabrasion. Depending on the one you pick, there is an assigned time that you should do it in. 

If at all, you are trying new products, ensure that none of the products there cause a negative reaction on your skin or give you any sorts of allergies. The most noteworthy point here is to know your skin, so you can select your facial treatment accordingly. It is best to go for a facial at least once a month to get that bridal radiance on your big day. 

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Manicure/ Nail Salon

This appointment should be particularly saved 3-4 days before your wedding. Getting nails done is a delicate and fragile process. You must ensure that they look as fresh and pretty as possible on your wedding day. Moreover, getting a cuticle oil massage and scrubbing of hands and feet will be a great way to relax and prep for the wedding at the same time.

Finally, make sure you take care of yourself, your hands, and your feet, specifically so you rock that Mehendi look!

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“A smile is the most beautiful thing you can wear.” Getting your white pearls polished, cleaned, and sparkling before your wedding day is the perfect way to ensure that. For this, schedule an appointment with your dentist for a deep clean and whitening. 

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Hair Removal

Obviously, you want to look as smooth and clean as possible, therefore, you must plan your shaving, waxing or even laser appointments accordingly. If you plan them in an efficient way, it will last until your honeymoon as well! To ensure that you are groomed and all dolled up, do not try new experiments close to the wedding days. Get the most basic treatment done specifically for eyebrows. It will be the smartest to plan your sessions out according to your hair growth. 

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Finally, all the stress and running around can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. A perfect solution for this is to get a nice body scrub and massage. This will cleanse your body by removing all the dust and dirt in pores etc. 

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Moreover, it will also relax your body. It will also enhance your skin using moisture and help you with that natural glow look.

