Wedding Guest List: Tips for Preparation. – Wedamor

Wedding trends in India have come a long way from having the ceremony at our own homes, to offering only flavored syrups and to the present day burlesque which embraces high-end hotels and catering services. And in this sprint of culture and modernization, constraints of budget and venue dimensions call for a strict scrutiny of the wedding guest list.

We understand that your wedding is the most notable phenomenon in both of yours’ lives and so do we understand the grief of having cut-short your wedding guest list. And so here we are to tip you on how to overcome the dilemma of whom to invite and whom not to.

wedding guest list

As always, first things first. So first decide on your wedding venue and catering budget and then accordingly calculate the number of guests you can receive and attend to. For example, if you decide to call in 500 individuals prepare for 500 but invite only 450 in the first place. The remaining 50 would be filled in with last-minute invites and guest’s guests.

Recommended Read: Must Have Guest Facilities At Your Wedding Venue

Okay, so how do you do it?

The first step, divide the number of guests from the groom’s and bride’s end in a ratio whichever fits in your case. You could go for 50:50 or 60:40. Next, once you have your share of guest numbers at hand, it’s time you divide the number between your parents and yourself. Once that is done, sit together with them, and prepare the list of all the people you wish to have on your wedding events.  And now, it is time to truncate names from the list to fit into your desired numbers and give final shape to your wedding guest list.

Against each name, mark with an ‘M’ or a  ‘C’.  M for ‘Must ‘and C for ‘Could’.
Sorting the wedding guest list

People in the ‘M’ category are the ones we cannot imagine being without on any special occasion of our life. This mainly includes close kinsman, blood-related uncle, aunt, cousins and closest pals. While marking people in this category it is very important to note that people in our wedding guest lists are the “witnesses” of our nuptial. Hence, these should be the ones you will be sure-shot in touch with even after years down the lane.

wedding guests

Next, ‘C’ category should comprise of people like our neighbors, acquaintances, co-workers, colleagues, distant relatives, and likes. Now the major chucking off from your wedding guest list has to be done from this ‘C’ list.

So, if you feel, that you have not known or have barely seen a relative of yours for over years, don’t feel guilty of scratching him/her from the list.

If you were a part of the wedding guest list of a friend years back, but have not heard of/from him for a long time, you may delete his name too.

wedding guest

If someone was once your neighbor, that person may be off your list. But here, your relationship with your present and previous neighbors have a primary say.

Talking of professional acquaintances, you can invite only those people who you want to be in touch with even once you stop going to the same place. But if you invite all your teammates but for one, it would rather look rude. So invite just one, or, two, or invite all or none at all.

Likewise goes for your second cousins, friends, and distant relatives. People sharing same relationship-either all of them be invited or none of them.

Another tip to shorten your wedding guest list is to go for an only adult wedding. But of course you cannot call your younger first cousins or kids in a very proximate relationship.

no-kid wedding

I hope this article has eased your dilemma of whom to invite and whom not to while preparing your wedding guest list



About the Author:

Committed to tech,infatuated with coding, Yashashvi is also a warrior of the pen who often yields it to raise her voice in favour of women empowerment. Feathering fanatic feminism, she hopes to see women recognizing their true, unbounded potential.