10 Best Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be(Wedamor)

Skin Care

A winter wedding is every Bride’s dream. But come winter, and you will find your skin struggling to look healthy. Therefore, everyone will be looking for Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be. Skincare is so much more than just applying moisturizer. Factors like diet also affect the quality of the skin. Thus, if you are wishing for the perfect bridal glow at your wedding, follow our Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be!

The following are the Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be:

  • Don’t wait for the D-day

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image source: https://ak7.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/20841037/thumb/1.jpg

Understandably, brides would want to look glowing in their wedding trousseau and makeup. But does it really mean that it is only a one-day thing? Skincare regimes may span for days or even weeks for the perfect healthy glow. Thus, do not waste time in waiting for last-minute rescue. Rather, start caring for your skin from the initial days!

  • Do not experiment

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image Source: http://palimadaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/say-no-to-make-up.jpg

As much as you may be tempted, do not make use of any makeup products especially three weeks before your wedding. This rule applies to everything that comes in contact with skin, whether washing powder for the clothes, skincare and hair care products and even makeup items. Refrain from trying out new things. Instead, stick to your tried and tested products. This is important because if any allergies or skin reactions flare up, you will still heal and recover before the wedding.

  • Welcome the benefits of Green Tea

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image Source: http://bpc.h-cdn.co/assets/16/51/980×490/landscape-1482426433-best-green-tea-brands.jpg

We all know how Green Tea can help lose weight. Furthermore, green tea can also make great contributions to improve your skin. Thus, on consuming green tea on a regular basis, you will notice a fresh skin. The antioxidants revitalise the skin and the anti-inflammatory properties tackle your skin problems. Green Tea is especially great for those struggling with acne.

  • Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image source: http://sarashantelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/MOISTURISER.jpg

This Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be goes without saying. Winter leads to dry and itchy skin. It is important to regularly moisturise your whole body. Pay special attention to parts like the elbows and knees that can get scaly. Generously slather on moisturiser as much as thrice a day. It will keep your skin soft and supple. You can even pick out a moisturiser that is enriched with multivitamins.

  • Water is your friend

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image Source: https://cdn.thewirecutter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/water-bottles-lowres-0891.jpg

Drink ample amount of water. Even though water may not be on the top of your mind, especially during winters, make it a habit to drink enough water on a daily basis. Water will detoxify your skin, making it look fresh and glowing. Also, sweating out the excess water will open your pores and naturally exfoliate your skin.

  • Take care of those lips

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image Source: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTiGgWHeMF14l_mrZnUD3gsU4b22YZISMFygx_JgyUjWMYHJQK

Lips bear the worst of winters. Dry, chapped lips will ruin all your bridal pouts. Thus, make sure that you are always equipped with a lip balm. Use lip balm as and when possible, not only when you have cracked lips. You will be rewarded with baby soft lips if you make continuous use of lip balm. If you are not comfortable with lip balm, you can even try olive oil, ghee (clarified butter), fresh cream, or even honey.

  • Bathe with Lukewarm water

Image Source: https://uploads1.bundoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/How-to-care-for-an-episiotomy-or-tear-after-delivering-vaginally-800×500.jpg

Hot water baths are relaxing for sure but they also leave you with dry skin. To avoid that, make it a habit to bathe in lukewarm or warm water. Your skin will retain moisture better that way. Also, instead of bathing twice a day, restrict it to once a day. This way, your body’s natural oils will give you a glowing look.

Recommended Read: Favourite Winter Makeup Products of All Time 

  • Do not Stress

Image Source: https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/concentrated-woman-meditating-in-nature_1098-1412.jpg

Stress will lead to breakouts and acne. Avoid stressing. Practice Yoga or Meditation to stay calmer.

  • Book Your Appointments in Advance

Image Source: http://playsalon.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/5-makeup-tips-for-this-Diwali.jpg

Invest in a professional beauty artist for your wedding day. Thus, it is essential that you book them in advance. Take appointments and block the dates if you wish to avoid the last minute rush. Usually, most weddings happen during the “wedding season” and if you do not make the appointments in advance, you may have a lot to lose.

  • Watch what you eat

Winter Skin Care Tips For Brides-to-be

Image Source: https://furthermore-cdn.equinox.com/2015/01/organic/xwide-2xx.jpg

Finally, like mentioned before, consume a healthy diet. Include nuts and dry fruits that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, these are great for your skin, nails, and hair. Next, also pay special attention to eating seasonal vegetables. Avoid oily and fatty food to prevent skin breakouts. Even spicy food is a strict no-no. Include more of salads and fibres in your meals so that your skin looks energised. Studies indicate that consuming large quantities of sugar can give rise to wrinkles and fine lines. Thus, you can cut down your sugar intake if you haven’t done that already.

Therefore, as you can see, preparing the skin for the most important day of your life begins even months before the wedding day.

