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New-Age Ideas for A Themed Wedding After Party – Wedamor


Weddings hold emotional importance. In every culture and country, there are different rituals and traditions. All of them have different spiritual meanings. In a country like India, diversity is celebrated at its peak. With so many cultures and religions, wedding vows also hold different importance. With unique practices and spiritual links, they are celebrated like a festival.

With changing times, the families are becoming smaller. Hence, weddings are also an important family gathering. It is an auspicious occasion to come together, party, and celebrate. In these tough times, we have tried being in touch through the internet. Even weddings were attended online. These gave a better and safer mode. But being physically present with each other is a different kind of fun. Such celebrations call out for dancing, drinking, games, and a lot of cousin and family talks.


Nowadays, the wedding culture is changing rapidly. With theme weddings, destinations weddings, wedding planners, customized weddings, the after-party is a big modern addition. An after-party calls for the ultimate fun with the new couple, celebrating their new beginning after the big day. Here are a few new-age ideas for a themed wedding after party.

Themes for a Wedding After Party

Stand-up Comedy

Nowadays this is a new fashion. A good sense of humor is enjoyed by all. Hence, if you want to have a fun and interesting after-party, just arrange a good stand-up comedy scene. It will be like the joy of new beginnings with lots of laughter and celebrations.

Movie or Live Music Night


Other than stand-up comedy, you can arrange a fun movie or live music concert. It will be a soothing show with lots of delicious snacks and drinks. This will be a wonderful experience, unique and memorable for all your guests.

Try a Karaoke Touch

If both of you have had good karaoke fun, you can make all your guests indulge in that too. Let all of them have a fair chance to sing along and have a never-before night.

Afternoon Pool Party



Pool parties have been an in-thing for many years. They give a relaxing time for all the guests and provide a unique chance to meet and greet. Hence, you can arrange one such cocktail poolside, comfortable party too.

Fun with Cocktails and Mocktails

You can experiment with food and drinks too. This can help to make your after party world class and never seen before. Add some delicious cuisines, unique drinks, and special dessert counters.

A Costume Theme

Costume themes are mostly done for birthday celebrations. But if you add this interesting idea to a wedding after-party this can be some unmatched fun. Try to select your mutual favorite theme and plan your menu and decorations accordingly.

Silent Disco


This is an innovation. As more and more people are adapting to modern ways, this can be adapted too. Here all the people wear headphones and have a separate playlist other than the common music. They can change songs as they want and enjoy in their style. It looks like they all are dancing without any song and hence this is known by the name of silent disco.

So, these are some of the ways you can plan your after wedding party. This can be a way to reconnect with all your loved ones before the celebrations come to an end. Other than these you can choose the decor and dress theme, even menu as per your mutual likeness. This will give a feel of a new beginning as a couple. Here you can also invite all those who were not able to attend your functions due to some reason.


